I can't believe I found so many inks that are great and working together very fine with the Moleskinepaper. This ink is red more red then the Noodler's Cayenne I have in my Lamy Vista. Noodler's Cayenne is more orange-red. The Visconti is more red-red. The flow is great in my Visconti Van Gogh (fine nib).
In the written review I wrote:
"Tuesday, august 11, 2009
Visconti van Gogh (fine nib) filled with Visconti Burgundy.
The ink is more red then the Noodler's Cayenne which is more orange-red. I like the color very much.
The ink does not bleedtrough the Moleskine paper in combination with this pen.
It takes about 25 seconds to dry, which is normal I think.
Their is no visible shading or feathering. It is a great ink on this beautiful paper.
The Bottle
The older men (I think it was the father) told me to glue the bottem of the bottle to the holder on the floor to avoid that it tumbles. But the young owner of the store denied it and told me to do it like in the picture. Well both work I think.
The bottle is shaped that way so you can get a lot of ink out of the bottle.
I can give this ink a thumbs up for Moleskine-friendly ink. It does not bleedtrough in combination with this ink or in combination with the Monblanc 146 (Le Grand) wich I also tested. Some pen's or nibs give some dots.
Visconti's Italian fountain pens inks offer a rich writing experience. Smooth flowing, intense colors come in Visconti's distinctive bottle with a bakelite-styled top. 40ml per bottle.
This ink looks great. Cool bottle too! Is it available in the US?
It looks like Pear Tree Pens has it. The bottle is shaped a little differently, but not very much so. Visit them at http://bit.ly/DGQNX
Oooh, glad to see a review of this, I love the bottles and wanted to find out what the inside was like. :) Cheers!
Is that bottle glass?
They've apparently stopped making them in glass any more and they now come in plastic although there are still some of the glass stock around :-)
Misspelled Fountain pen in your header "foutain"
;-) thank you "Anonymous" that is taken care of
I love that nib-shaped clip!! Where did you get that?
The nib shaped clip was a 20-year anniversary (1988-2008) gift of Visconti. The man in the Visconti store in Florence gave it to me as a present. I wanted to buy a Visconti Van Gogh but he did not have the black-maxi in stock. I think he was saying sorry with it. We did bought Visconti Burgundy Red ink.
And we saw the Visconti Bible which is truly an amazing fountainpen.
In Florence they have besides a dedicated Visconti-shop also a Montblanc-shop. Two great stores you must see if you visit Florence.
Good heavens, thank you for writing this. I received a Visconti Opera Master fountain pen from my students at the end of last year, and have been using Mont Blanc blue ink with it. I had to switch from medium sized Moleskine notebooks to the Moleskine sketchbook because the ink bled so much onto the other page! I will order Visconti blue ink today without delay. I am so glad I found this blog! Will be returning again soon!
@ jcr: It is not said that Visconti blue will not poor trough the pages. I know Montblanc Blue Black and Aurora Blue will do great on every Moleskine paper. I had experience with Montblanc Blue Black, it was such a good ink that I ordered Montblanc green. Same manufactere, different color. Blue Black was ok, but green made a real mess of it.
Searching for reviews of Visconti ink I came across your blog and must write and thank you for that tip about using the plastic cover when refilling. I'm the guy who nudged his bottle of V Burgundy as I dipped in my pen to fill it, and lost a third of a bottle.
Now, Mr Clumsy has a fix! Thanks again.
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