This pen was givin by my wife and kids for my birthday in june 2009. We bought this pen in a store in The Netherlands in Groningen that goes by the name Vulpenwereld (fountainpen world). It is not an internetstore, but just an old fashioned store where their is actually someone who knows pens. Some history on this Montblanc Meisterstück pen you can find on Wikipedia.

The pen comes in a big (shoe)-box 175x175x90 mm (6,9"x6,9"x3,5"). Big box for a big pen.

Inside the box their is a second luxury box and a service guide.
Luxury box

Inside the luxury box you'll find the pen and a great glass bottle of Montblanc black ink. It looks great on your desk opened all the way. Every pen is unique numbered. My pen has number CT1325479 lasered in the ring of the cap.
The pen

The pen is a huge classic rounded pen design. They also call it big classic cigar shape. It is big but has great grip. I like big pens so this one was my choice for my birthday present. I wrote every day with it since I got it. It is kind of a replacement for my Parker Duofold Checkered Amber (medium). For my feeling it uses a lot of ink. I always write with this pen in business and filled it with Noodler's Black. The pen is a so called piston-filler. Works great. The pen can hold a lot of ink. Their is a looking glass so you never will be surprised with to little ink.

To bad of the scratches appear at the place the cap screws. But you can't have it all. Whoops I can see right through the looking glass. I have to fill it again.

The nib

The nib is huge, length 27mm (1,06") to be precise. The nib writes just great. I never found it hesitating. It has just the right spring in it. It is 11mm (0,43") width. The nib of this meisterstück is the same size as it's German competitor Pelikan M1000. I mostly choose a fine nib. But with Montblanc the nibs are always a little bit broader then other company's fine nibs.

lenght: 146mm (5,7") - with cap over the nib-side (I think you call it capped??)
lenght: 131mm (5,2") - without cap and ready to write
niblength: 27mm (1,06")
barrel: 15mm (0,59")
price: about $ 605,= to $ 668,= (€ 410,= to € 460,=)

Here's the desktop image at 1920 x 1200 click here. It is free to use.
Well it is a pricey pen. But the day I got it I wrote with it every single day. Just filled with ordinary plain Noodler's Black in my Moleskine's.

OUTSTANDING review & pics! ;-)
Nice review! This pen looks huge! What a funky ink bottle...can you say more about it? I assume the design assists filling in some way...how is the ink? Thanks!
I posted something about the bottle here: http://bit.ly/GcopM
Thanks for the compliments!
It's beautiful but I could never afford such a thing.
Awesome review of the Meisterstuck. I'm looking for a vintage 149 as well as a new one. Take care. :-)
Very beautiful...I have been thinking of getting a pen like this for my Father's birthday which is coming up soon.
Thank you for the review.
You have definitely added something new - this great packaging is not usually shown, and I appreciate seeing the pen in a non-photo studio environment.
These are endurance pens. They hold an incredible amount of ink, the B nibs are rather stubbish and give lovely line variation and shading, and they literally last a lifetime with basic care.
Great writing! Great blog as well!
Just one question, are you right about the price? I ordered one (in Holland) and the price was euro 570.
I noticed a link to the Wikipedia article on Meisterstück, but that was quite bad. The 149 was produced form 1952.
That's a nice and big pen, but it's quite heavy.
Just got my second 149 yesterday. This new one has a fine nib but I can't tell much difference from the medium I bought in 2005. The nibs are just to die for.
And the first thing I did was to disregard the warning in the large owner's manual which cautions to only use Montblanc ink. It was promptly charged with Iroshizuku Yama-guri...Wild Chestnut Brown (Dark Brown). And performs superbly, thank you, without using Montblanc ink.
I saw a picture of 4 Mont's next to each other in a fountain pen case.
Can you tell me the name of the one on the far left? and where I can find your review of it? I'm sorry for the bother. I'm new to FP's but it has captured me. Thanks
The one in the picture you mentioned is a Montblanc Mark Twain. I have not done a review on it. But it is a great looking fountain pen. Writes great!
How can I determine the nib size of my 149? The 18C tritone nib says 750.
Beste "woodworker",
Leuk om te lezen over Montblanc 149, Parker Duofold, Moleskine,verschillende inkten enzovoort. Er gaat een wereld voor me open. Om dan als Groninger ineens De Vulpenwereld tegen te komen in je teksten maakt het extra bijzonder.
Maak op dit moment zelf de overweging om van verschillende Duofolds in het grootste formaat (Centennial), die ik dagelijks gebruik om te schrijven en te schetsen, wellicht een overstap te maken naar een Montblanc 149.
Kun je mij vertellen wat jouw ervaringen bij die overstap zijn geweest? Ook ben ik benieuwd of je ervaring hebt met het gebruik van MB Royal Blue in de Moleskine notebooks.
Vriendelijke groet, Cees.
Hello. Why are there scratches around the place where the cap screws? Is this a design flaw or is it because of abuse? (Jamming and/or screwing the cap on too tightly maybe)
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