The color is a nice dark sepia. This is a color you could do your every day writing with in my opinion. Very great for business people who want something else then black or blue. Just stepping a little bit out of the crowd isn't hard.
The flow of the ink is excellent. Really great writing ink. Drying time in a Moleskine is about 7 seconds with this nib. On Rhodia paper it takes more then twice the time. I could not detect feathering in a Moleskine.
Written review
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"Rohrer & Klingner Sepia
I just put some Rohrer & Klinger Sepia in my Lamy Safari (medium).
The color is brown-black, with little shading. It reminds a bit on Iroshizuku Yama-Guri but a little more brown.
The ink has great flow and behaves good on Moleskine paper. It does not feather or bleed through this paper. This Rohrer & Klingner ink costs about $ 0,12/ml. That's cheap!
Dryingtime is about 7 seconds, on Rhodia paper it takes longer then 20 seconds.
The Bottle
The bottle contains 50ml of great ink. It's a standard model of bottle, nothing fancy. But is does the trick great even with larger nibbed fountain pens.
This ink is Moleskine friendly. In some of my Moleskines their was a little bit of bleed through with a wet writer (fine). So the ink is not completely 100% Moleskine proof but comes close to it.
With this range that contains 18 tones of writing inks for fountain pens and quills, Rohrer & Klingner continues an old tradition of ink production. Apart from classical tones (including two iron gall inks), several new colours are available, that have been developed for the primary purpose of calligraphy. On a traditional basis, the inks are produced with inter alia modern raw materials.
Great review! I always look forward to your ink reviews:) I love this ink, a sepia with lots of character. I have also tried Iroshizuku Yama-guri, but was disappointed in it after it dried -- it seemed to become rather flat and had a greenish tone.
I like this ink (bought after reading your review). The color is nice but it dry relativly fast in my lamy studio 67 with 1.1i nib
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