The color of the ink reminds a little bit of Iroshizuku momiji. But J. Herbin made the Rouge Caroubier a little bit more red. It is more sparkling in a way. I must see I like the color very much.The French name means Red Carob tree.

I tried this color in my Montblanc 146 and my Pelikan M1000. In both pens the ink writes smoothly. With great flow and no hesitating. Drying time on Moleskine paper is about 20 seconds. On Rhodia paper it takes a lot longer more then 30 seconds.

Written review

The translation of my written review:
"J. Herbin Rouge Caroubier
I filled my Montblanc 146 with J. Herbin Rouge Caroubier.
It is a nice bright red. It is more red then Iroshizuku momiji. The ink feathers a little bit on this Moleskine paper. It also had bleedthrough.
The ink has almost no shading. Which off-course can be good. The ink dries slowly compared to Iroshizuku-inks.
I hate the fact of the bleedthrough. The other side can not be used. Flow is no problem, and the bottle design is great.

This was the worse case of bleed through I ever saw in a Moleskine. It was written with the Pelikan M1000 (fine). In the written review I used the Montblanc 146 (fine) which gave a better result, but the page on the other side was still unusable.

I can't give this ink Moleskinefriendly-advice. I was also suprised by the long dryingtime on the Rhodia paper. I thought they were from the same company. The ink costs about $ 0,29/ml.
J. Herbin is the oldest name in pen inks in the world. M. Herbin created “The Jewel of Inks” in his shop on the Rue des Fosses Saint-Germain in Paris in 1700."
"Each bottle of 30 ml has an integrated pen rest. They are known as “D bottle pen inks. The “D” refers to the old French unit of measure “la Demi Courtine”.
* 30 beautiful colors!
* Non toxic and pH neutral
* Lightfast
* Water based
* Flows smoothly and is fast drying
* All natural dyes
"wich offcourse"
Are you a writer?
I'm from the Netherlands so some English is not always right
You take the best pictures....
Thank you Biffybeans such a compliment means a lot to me. Your blog and pictures were inspiring me to start my blog.
Woodworker, ignore those offhand comments. They're reflective of the person behind the anonymous name. (I'm also from a place where English isn't the main tongue).
Keep up the wonderful work. I always visit this site when I can because there's so much stuff that can be learned here. :)
My names Gavin, didnt realise you were Dutch. Peace.
Just discovered this blog yesterday, so great! Was so excited, that today went around local second-hand shops to look for a fountain pen and found one: Hoover 784. As this is my first one ever and I don't know much about fountain pens, do you have anything to say about Hoover pens? There is almost no information on them online, what is strange.
Thank you so much for this blog.
Thank you for your nice words. I don't know Hoover pens.
another great review ms beans...love your work!
:-S ms beans? ms Beans her blog can be found here: http://www.biffybeans.com/
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